The amount of energy that is used in my typical day I was figuring to be pretty high. I know that I do not make a huge effort to conserve as much as I should. When I kept track for a whole day about how much energy I consume I was amazed at how much one person could really use. Each day I use my fan in my room for when I go to sleep at night. It stays on throughout the entire night until I wake up the next morning. During the morning my alarm clock goes off on my cell phone at 9:30 which takes up some energy. The air conditioner in my house is on all day and usually set around 75 degrees. It goes on and off when necessary but lowered at night to keep cooler. The morning time is when I took a shower which used energy from the hot water heater. I also plugged my phone into the charger that morning because I had forgotten to at night time. When I went to go plus my phone in its charger I realized that my laptop was also plugged in and running for no reason. I then made the effort to unplug it from the wall and hibernate my computer. When it came to my cell phone on this particular day it was actually a light day. I made about 6 or 7 particular phone calls and stayed on the phone around the average of ten minutes or so. Texting on the other hand was a bit ridiculous. At the end of the day I counted up how many texts I has sent and received in just a twelve hour cycle and it came to 167 texts. I had never actually counted the amount of texting I was doing so that was a big heads up. During this day I did not have to use the washing machine or the dishwasher so that eliminated a lot of energy. The day I recorded was a Saturday so I did not do too much driving around. I went shopping at the Edison mall with one other person in my car and back which equaled 13 miles there and 13 miles back. I also went out to dinner, driving just by myself and that was 9 miles there and then 9 miles back. The total day I drove approximately 45 miles, which in my opinion is not too bad. For the whole year I drive my car about 13,000 miles. I fill up my tank on an average once a week. My car holds about 23 miles a gallon so it gets pretty good gas mileage. When it comes to driving I do not really put the amount of time I spend in it into consideration. I should realize how much energy and fuel I am burning just by driving around town. The whole experiment by keeping a record of my energy use made me realize I am hurting the environment just on my own. I could imagine if no one took into consideration about how much fuel and energy that is used then I would not want to know what this earth would look like. I would like to make a change in my habits since I now know the pollution that I am bringing into the planet.